A service for working with Connery actions.

Connery is an open-source plugin infrastructure for AI. Source code: https://github.com/connery-io/connery-platform


  • ConneryService


  • Creates a ConneryService instance.


    • Optional params: ConneryServiceParams

      A ConneryServiceParams object. If not provided, the values are retrieved from the CONNERY_RUNNER_URL and CONNERY_RUNNER_API_KEY environment variables.

    Returns ConneryService

    A ConneryService instance.


apiKey: string
asyncCaller: AsyncCaller
runnerUrl: string


  • Returns the specified Connery action wrapped as a LangChain Tool object.


    • actionId: string

      The ID of the action to return.

    Returns Promise<ConneryAction>

    A promise that resolves to a ConneryAction object.

  • Returns the list of Connery actions wrapped as a LangChain Tool objects.

    Returns Promise<ConneryAction[]>

    A promise that resolves to an array of ConneryAction objects.

  • Runs the specified Connery action with the provided input.


    • actionId: string

      The ID of the action to run.

    • Optional prompt: string

      This is a plain English prompt with all the information needed to run the action.

    • Optional input: Input

      The input expected by the action. If provided together with the prompt, the input takes precedence over the input specified in the prompt.

    Returns Promise<string>

    A promise that resolves to a JSON string containing the output of the action.

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